Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Lesson Twenty-Eight: Guys Are Just As Concerned About Their Weight...

Good news ladies, it's not just us who worry if our arse looks fat in our jeans. It's not just us who have regrets after eating our fifth moro bar or second bottle of wine, sucking in our muffin tops as we sip away. Hell, I'm the perfect example. I went to a wedding at the weekend and even after two courses and god knows how many glasses of Chardonnay, I still gobbled up a pie from the service station in New Plymouth, mumbling between bites how far I'd have to run the next day.

Needless to say I never went for that run, however I can now take a backseat to the real star of this story. The Boyfriend. Now, I really love the way he looks - his face and his body. He's tall, he's manly and he's strong. However, he has become a little obsessed with his weight  - he weighs himself a lot, he comments on what food he's eating and then he discovered a website. Now this website is full of like-minded individuals who go from couch-potato chubs to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s over the gradual course of a year - and that's just the women.

The other day I go around to his place expecting a relaxing evening in when he pulls out the measuring tape and tells me to get the camera ready. (And no, the measuring tape wasn't for measuring THAT - it's not long enough anyway.....scoff.)

The Boyfriend has joined this body sculpting website where thousands of people around the world document their weights, measurements and photos to prove that they are transforming themselves. This website also features videos on how to measure neck, chest, bicep, triceps, calves and thighs. So I had to watch EVERY video in its entirety, and then proceed to measure his body parts EXACTLY like they did. I was then given a lesson on how to use some calipers and then preceded to measure his body fat. An hour and a half later (did I mention how I was expecting a relaxing night?) I then had to take photos of his naked upper half, without his face (think the sleazy male photos on until he approved.

All this information is to be loaded onto this website so we can watch his progress through his regular updates as he turns into a mean, fighting, muscly machine. The Boyfriend will do it too - not because he's vain or out to impress, because he's stubborn.

Now, I'd love to show you his progress - however I got the stern word, the hard look and the threat of ending our relationship should the photos stored in my iPhone ever go public. Just as well I saved them in my hard drive here and at work then eh?

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