Thursday, 3 May 2012

Lesson Twenty-Nine: Think (Tarsh) Before You Speak.

Thinking before you speak - I really thought I was starting to nail this concept as I got older. I was wrong.

Steve Joll - devoted husband, loving and proud father-of-three, baker, gym-bunny, really genuine good guy, and breakfast radio guy on The Breeze.  To this day, I still cringe when I think about what happened. (I bet he's racking his brain trying to figure out where this is going.)

I first met Steve Joll several years ago during one of the annual Radio Bootcamps. (i.e.: you have a few hours with a radio consultant and then a night out with endless grog talking crap and banging ego's with radio announcers from around the country. Ahhh - those were the days!)  I was sitting at the bar and we started chatting and he goes, "Sorry who are you?" I went, "Oh, um, Tarsh" he goes, "Ahh from the Edge, yeah I've heard you - you're pretty good eh?".  And not in a greasy way, in a really genuine way and I knew who he was so I was chuffed. Years later I moved to Mediaworks Wellington where Steve was also based and realized pretty quickly what a big deal he is in this town - without begin a jerk about it.  I remember the time I was heading into the city to meet up with him and some other friends for a few drinks, I'm running late and forced to sprint for the bus in my pink high heels and there's Steve's face in full glory on the back of it. He thought it was hilarious when I told him later on - Tarsh rarely chases any men.

Steve is one of those guys who will always help you out and one of those people I always wanted to leave with a good impression of myself. Major fail, here's what happened.

Steve had the same morning pre-show routine. Takes his shoes off as soon as he gets to work and pads around in his socks, has a cup of tea and that Kellog's Crunch for breakfast.

So one morning we're both in the kitchen - it's like 5AM and I'm on my second cup of coffee so got a nice buzz going. We're talking about a politician getting a stomach stapling operation and I'm shooting my mouth off - it went something like this.

Me: "Yeah - I can't believe that Tariana Tuira is getting her stomach stapled...!!"
Steve: "Mmmmm...."
Me: "I mean - why the heck do we need to pay for someone who just ate too many pies??"
Steve: ".....uh-huh. Poo..." sniffs the milk "Someone left this milk out again....geez I dunno..."
Me: (not getting that he's trying to change the subject) "Yesterday on air we at talked about having to fund her stomach stapling operation and do you know what I said?"
Steve:  Silent apart front the spoon going around and around in his cup of tea.
Me: "I go, you know what Tariana Turia - I have two words for you. Running Shoes!" And I cracked up.
Steve: Looks at me and goes, "Um...she's my Aunt."
Me: "Whatever Steve..."
Steve: "Tariana Turia is my Aunt. Honestly."
Me: "Oh.......sorry man......" but still not sure if he's having me on or not.
Steve: "It's okay, just thought I better tell you before you went any further..."
And he picked his bowl of cereal and cuppa and walked out.
I felt so stink. I went all warm and started sweating. Damnit I'd done it again.

And to be honest, I have no idea whether he was telling the truth or not, but I've never made a joke about Aunty Tariana Turia again.

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