Everyone needs a Trevor in their life.
Trevor West isn't someone who is really close to me - he's definitely
someone I would love to have in my life every day if I could. I met Trevor through some mutual great friends we have and have had the chance on a few occasions to knock back a few drinks and have some laughs. (It's fair to say that I probably had a bit of a fleeting crush during one of those meetings.)
I have always wanted to be that person that left a lasting mark on someone - in a positive way. (Er, not a physical way like on their face or bedsheets!) And I fondly remember men who have come in and out of my life and really made me think or feel. Trevor is one of those guys.
When I was made redundant last November it was as though I was diagnosed with some weird flesh-eating disease. Noone knew what to say to me, so they either politely ignored me apart from a nod of the head as they walked past or even worse, a pat on the head. (NB: Apart from my Father who was the first person I called when I opted to step out of my 16 years in radio. (Love you Dad!)
One or two weeks into my "new life" I got this amazing email from Trevor. He lives in Sydney, Australia, is in a wonderful and loving relationship with a pretty solid, great paying job that he was pretty damn good at. Trev emailed to say he was enjoying my blog, and that, like me, he had been made redundant six weeks prior. I felt a huge sense of relief that something so shit was actually happening to someone else, and someone I really rated. Then instead reading words like, "So Tarsh, I know just how you feel, chin up old girl...." this random but well timed email went on to say, "It's probably the best thing that ever happened to me. Off to Nepal tomorrow for a hike for three weeks."
And off he went - just a few weeks shy of Christmas, Trevor waved goodbye to his long-term partner, and went to Nepal where he grew a beard and dug his own toilet. Without even realizing it, Trevor inspired me to get off my arse and turn lemon's into lemonade. Sure I didn't hike for weeks getting food poisoning and only showering a couple of times, but goddamnit I got my A into G.
It's those unexpected heroes that come into my life that make such a difference on how I see things. I've long been the girl that has looked after herself and trusted that I will know exactly what to do. But you know, sometimes if you really want it, that help comes along wearing a cowboy hat and a big smile and doesn't use the word "advice". The Boyfriend joked recently that I sort of stumble along in my own way but I get there in the end. And unfortunately I do go through experiences like it's my first time on heels - but eventually I get that catwalk strut that I need to get it done and swim around in my homemade lemonade - and one day I'll share a glass with Trevor.
That's awesome x