Monday, 2 January 2012

Lesson Eighteen: Stop Assuming!

This is a lesson I know for a fact that most woman will relate to and understand. Whereas it’s a lesson most men could also relate to, but not understand. By the way, this is also my most embarrassing blog to date.  It’s when we ladies read into everything a man says and does, and then assume the absolute worst, ridiculous scenario that can often lead to an argument.

Case in point. The Boyfriend and I went post-Christmas shopping and he isn’t fond of parking in busy mall car parks. His patience is at an all time low when it comes to finding the closest vacancy to the doors. So he opts to park in the first one he finds which is usually the fartherest one away.

I think, “Ohmigod. We’re parking this far away? Well I better not ask him to park closer because then he’ll think I’m lazy”. Too late, because as usual my brain has failed to remind my mouth to remain closed.

Me: “Why are you parking so far away, we’re bound to get one closer.”
Him: “No we won’t and I refuse to drive around and around, the place is packed.”
Me: “You think I’m fat don’t you.”
Him: “WHAT?”.
Me: “That’s why you parked so far away, because you think I need the exercise!”
Him: “First of all, I don’t think you’re fat, secondly, as I said, I refuse to drive around for half an hour finding another one…this is as good as any and thirdly – you’re being ridiculous. Come on.”

Yeah I know, “Ohmigod Tarsh, you’re an idiot”.  I feel like an idiot re-telling that story, but seriously, that’s how some of us ladies think. And I’m not fishing for a compliment or looking for sponsorship from Jenny Craig, all I’m saying is we girls do assume the stupidest crap.

I’m not the only one. Conversation overheard in the supermarket after a guy answers his phone while shopping with what appears to be his girlfriend and her friend.

Him: “I have to take this conversation outside, back in a minute”.
Her: “Why can’t you talk in here, who is it?”
Him: “It’s bloody work and I just need to sort this out where I can hear them.”
And out he walks.
Her to her friend: “I bet it’s not Max, it’ll be that bitch Carmen!”
Friend: “I doubt it, it sounded pretty important.”
Her: “I’ll get hold of his phone later and check anyway. Ewww look Pantene’s on special…”
Whether it was Max or not is irrelevant, look at what she assumed straight away. It happens all the time.

Seriously that old saying you’ve heard “Never assume, it makes an ASS of U and ME” is very true, except I’d like to change it too, “Don’t assume, It makes an ASS of U in front of ME” and I know The Boyfriend would agree. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh so very true and how scary to read what goes on in a woman's head...specially when it so closely resembles mine :s
