Sunday, 22 January 2012

LESSON TWENTY-SIX: You'd Be Surprised At What A Man Thinks Is Sexy.

This made me laugh out loud while having brunch with The Boyfriend this morning. We’re at a café, I’m jotting down ideas for an award-winning novel I’m going to write one day and he’s happily flicking through the latest NW magazine.  As we wait for our order to arrive I’m conscious he’s looking at the “Hottest Bikini Bodies” issues. Now ten years ago my insecure self would have cancelled my order of bacon and egg ciabatta and gone with the fruit salad. However I sat there feeling quite secure and then he goes, “Ohhh… that’s not sexy. How can they say that’s sexy?”

I casually look over expecting to see a Rosanne Barr or Oprah tabloid shot and instead it’s the very slim bikini gals like Lea Michelle from Glee and Elle McPherson.  The typical females you'd think men would find attractive in their bikini's. Then we start to say which ones we both think are sexy – and it’s the “curvy” ones. Kim Kardashian, Jenny McGrath and Halle Berry – yep, the booby gals. (I think to myself, well I’ve hardly got the same bikini body – but tick for the boobs.)

I go back to my notes and as he’s flicking through the magazine he comes across an advertisement for 'Blackmore’s Pro-definition' - a product for building a lean, toned body. One the left is a really bulked up, muscly female and opposite her is a more toned, leaner lady.

Him: “Now that’s sexy”.
Me: “Which one.”
Him: “The muscly one.”
Me: “What the…? The really bulky chick that looks like a dude – why is that sexy…. Yuk.”
Him: “Well she’s a bit TOO big, but it looks good, besides I know all the effort she’s gone to get that big.”
Me: “So, it’s the effort she took to look like that is what makes this sexy?”
Him: “Yeah, I guess so – and it looks good”.

To be honest, that shocked me more than him ogling over a photo of Kim Kardashian or Salma Hayek.  I mean, this woman was really, really muscly, And it reminded me of a recent comment he’d made last week while walking past a bodybuilder protein shake display: -

Him: “You know baby, you’d make a great bodybuilder.”
Me: (instantly offended) “Why – because you think I’m fat?”
Him: “No you drama – because you’re stubborn enough to do the training. Body builders are lean and disciplined, I never said weight-lifter.”

Now, even though it took me a while to process that feedback, I prefer he said that to me, as it’s closer to what I can achieve, rather than say he wants a Kate Moss or Coco (Ice T's wife with the big booty).  Still – I made sure I left some of that buttery bacon and egg ciabata on the plate next to that magazine when we left. 

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