Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Lesson Eight: You're Never Too Old To Be Told Off.

Enter the current Love. Craig Donovan - 38, 6ft, blonde, green eyes and a great smile. Works in IT and is one of few people who can actually make me laugh out loud – a lot. Like, throw my head back laugh.

I liked Craig before I even met him. His friend was telling me over the phone about this single guy he knew traveling overseas and I filed it all away. Upon meeting him seven months ago I thought, “What an absolute douchebag…. my gut got this one totally wrong!”. He stared at the floor and barely said two words. Craig later admitted he was quite nervous at the time – plus he's naturally shy when he first meets someone. 

About a month later we met again and I was hooked. Craig was chatty, he danced, he made me laugh plus he was sexy.  We actually started out as friends with benefits and I kept it very quiet – why tell people about something casual right? Then one night he said to me, “We need to talk” to which I replied, “Can I just finish watching the rest of the rugby?”.  And from that point we became a “couple”. Craig may be shy at first, but that man has integrity, drive, life-goals and boy does he have balls.

Fast forward to a moment just a few weeks ago that anyone who knows me will absolutely love.

Mini Golf. I hate it and I’m crap at it. But we go and play because he wants too.  He’s brilliant and gets every hole well under par whereas I’m in double figures and getting angrier at each putt. Suddenly he comes over, waves his putter at me and it goes something like this:
Him: “Come on, we’re leaving”.
Me: (and imagine it’s being said by a 5-year-old because that’s how I was acting)
Him: “Because you’re having a shit time which is making me have a shit time. I really enjoy this and you’re wrecking it. We’re leaving.”
Me (aka a Five-year-old): “What? I’m having a great time”.
Him: “Really? This is you having a great time?”
Me: “A blast, and only another scintillating ELEVEN holes to go…”
Him: “Well I’m not, so snap out of it, get a smile on your face and get on with it, or we’re leaving right now….you decide…”
Me: “No one talks to me like that”.
Him: “Well, someone should. So what’s it gonna be?”.

And I snapped out of it. Next hole…I got a hole-in-one. He won of course and when I asked him what the scores were, he replied while patting my backside, “Best you don’t see the scorecard”. So off we strolled, him knowing he’d put me in my place with the game and the telling off, and me knowing I’d met my match. 


  1. Love it Tarsh! You know you have meet 'the guy' when he can give you a good telling off and you actually suck it up and take it on board. You go girl!!

  2. *snort giggle* this story is still good the second time around. Miss your story telling skills on the airwaves
